Saturday 9 May 2015

27/01/15: Australia Day

These plates are fantastic. And what I like best is that they weren't even planned! I had plenty of paper for the children to be creative but noticed these tucked away in the bag too and they worked really well.
Thanks to a printer issue I only had one example image (found here ) and it was a popular source for inspiration. We also used the ideas from here: for symbols to use in the stories told on the plates.

The dots were created by dipping the eraser end of pencils into paint and I was impressed with how quickly everybody, from toddlers plus, got a handle on how to use them. Not one of the paintings was muddy! Another advantage was that as only a little paint was picked up at a time this meant that we had no paint lagoons on plates that would take hours to dry.

Some of us still preferred crayons and paper :)

There was some baking too but, alas, the results disappeared too quickly for any photos.

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